Artifact: Business Vision
The Business Vision document captures very high-level objectives of a business modeling effort. It provides input to the project-approval process, and is therefore intimately related to the Business Case, as well as the Vision document of a software engineering effort. It communicates the fundamental "why's and what's" related to the project and is a gauge against which all future decisions should be validated. The Business Vision document will be read by managers, funding authorities, workers in business modeling, and developers in general. Brief
(hyperlinks into HTML template in a new window) 1. Introduction1.1 Purpose1.2 Scope1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations1.4 References1.5 Overview2. Positioning2.1 Business Opportunity2.2 Problem Statement2.3 Product Position Statement3. Stakeholder and Customer Descriptions3.1 Market Demographics3.2 Stakeholder Summary3.3 Customer Summary3.4 Customer Environment3.5 Stakeholder Profiles3.5.1 <Stakeholder Name>3.6 Customer Profiles3.6.1 <Customer Name>3.7 Key Stakeholder / Customer Needs3.8 Alternatives and Competition4. Business Modeling Objectives4.1 <anObjective>4.2 <anotherObjective>5. Constraints6. Quality Ranges7. Precedence and Priority8. Other Requirements8.1 Applicable Standards8.2 System Requirements8.3 Performance Requirements8.4 Environmental Requirements9. Appendix 1 û Objective AttributesTiming
The Business Vision document is created early in the inception phase, and it is used as a basis for the Business Case (see Artifact: Business Case) and the first draft of the (project) Vision document (see Artifact: Vision). Responsibility
A business-process analyst is responsible for the integrity of the Business Vision document, ensuring that:
The full version of this document is only applicable if you are doing business creation or business reengineering. If the purpose of your effort is business improvement, you may still produce a Business Vision, but only focus on the sections Introduction, Positioning, and Business Modeling Objectives. There may already exist various documents in your organization that cover some of the topics of the Business Vision. In such case, there is no need to do the work again, let the Business Vision document refer to existing documents.
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